Urology Health Solutions specializes in treating BPH, or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. While many men deal with the symptoms of BPH, many are left wondering what is BPH caused by. This common condition in men occurs due to an enlarged prostate. As the prostate glands grow, the urethra, which allows urine to exit your bladder, may become pinched from the additional pressure placed on your urethra by your enlarged prostate. BPH can make a normal and necessary function, like the need and ability to urinate, complicated for its sufferers.
Millions of men across the globe develop BPH when they get older. About half of men develop symptoms of BPH in their 50’s and by 80 years old the vast majority of men are suffering from BPH.
By working with a qualified urologist, you can determine if the pain and symptoms you’re experiencing are caused by BPH. You may have BPH if you’re experiencing one or more of the following symptoms:
- Pain
- Burning
- Weak streams
- Dribbling
- Leaking
- Straining
- Sudden urgency or other problems with urination
Still not sure if you are suffering from BPH? Symptoms vary in type and intensity. It is extremely important to talk to a urologist when dealing with any BPH symptoms so that they can rule out a more serious condition, such as prostate cancer.
Do I have BPH? Take the quizIf you are concerned about the BPH symptoms you are experiencing and are ready to learn about your available treatment options, it’s time to talk to Urology Health Solutions in Orlando, Florida.

Want to know more about BPH?
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