Risks of a Vasectomy

July 26, 2018

It’s not uncommon for families to decide that they have reached their limit, and then turn to getting a vasectomy. Though it’s a very common and safe procedure, every person is different, and there are sometimes risks that might arise during the surgery. They range from very mild and temporary side-effects to the much rarer occurrence of more severe issues.

There are some risks associated with a vasectomy procedure

What to expect after a vasectomy

Shortly after going through the procedure, it’s not uncommon to feel some mild discomfort. Pain, irritation, swelling, and light bleeding can occur, but more often than not they shouldn’t be viewed as life threatening. Most of the time these issues will subside within a week after the vasectomy, during which period you should avoid sexual activity and strenuous physical activities. If you start to experience any pain that feels more than normal, then we advise calling your local Orlando urologist to have everything looked at. Basic painkillers should be able to stop any pain, but there can always be unwanted complications.

Risks associated with a vasectomy procedure

Another early complication that can arise is a reversal of the procedure; this is quite rare, and occurs usually in only one of about six hundred vasectomies. We just want you to know that these are some of the concerns to think about before proceeding with a vasectomy. Along these lines, you should know that fertile sperm are still within your system for a good period after the procedure. While you may be in the clear for sexual activity, we advise you to look at other forms of contraception until you have sufficiently removed all traces of fertile sperm from your system. You can have the ejaculate looked at by your local Orlando urologist, and they will tell you whether you’re safe for sexual activity.

While most problems that arise from vasectomies are minor, they can still be a concern for those who aren’t aware of them. That’s why we decided to tell you what you may expect to feel afterwards. It shouldn’t scare you off because we perform very safe procedures on a regular basis.

To find out more about the general procedure and what happens as a result, read more about it here!

We also offer Nitrous Oxide as a means of ease and care for our patients during this procedure.

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